Stories & Info

Abigail Kalk, 24

Posted: May 23, 2014
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Name and age: Abigail Kalk, 24

Occupation: I am a manager for Thomas Hammer Coffee Roasters.

Tell us about your fitness journey.

I was active all through high school then a  year after graduation, a few friends of mine wanted to start running and training for smaller events. Fast forward three halves and a full marathon later, I had burned myself out. I spent the next two years on and off of workout and diet trends that I enjoyed for all of about two weeks but could not commit to for long term. Nothing gave me the feeling of accomplishment like running. Cue Farmgirlfit.

If you could tell your Farmgirlfit story in 100 words or less, how would it read?

Intimidated. Nervous. Ginormous butterflies for the first month. The first few workouts I felt out of it and I absolutely hate that feeling, so I refused to stay that way. Every workout I wanted to get better and leave ridiculously sweaty. One day in December with Liz, the end of the workout was a plank sequence. One minute at each: center, left, right, center, then reverse, with the whole thing counting as one rep. I’m not sure what exactly clicked in that moment but I surprised myself and completed three reps and felt invincible! (until the next day when I got my tushy kicked) but from that moment on, I have been hooked.

What has been your greatest fitness (performance) accomplishment so far? Do you have a performance goal?

Running the Fresno Marathon in 2011 was a my biggest accomplishment outside of Farmgirl, literally training at the level changed many aspects of my life. Within the purple walls I am proud of being able to dabble in the level 4 area.

Oh my goodness, my current goal: those darn kipping pull ups. All of you gals that have mastered that skill, you are my idols. For some reason my brain can’t process the hip and arm motion. Sheesh.

How has FGF helped you become more healthy / When it comes to your health, what goals do you have?

FGF has completely changed my eating habits. Before joining I was all hooked on the cleanses and all those other shenanigans that would cause more trouble than good in the long run. Now I view food as fuel versus treating myself. I make all my meals for the week on Sunday (the coffee world starts at 4:30 am) which has allowed me to plan and stay on track. My health goal is to continue what I have been doing the last six months. Eating well and working out hard, with treats randomly scattered in there.

My favorite exercise at FGF is:

Anything and everything with the kettle bells. Kettle bell swings, goblet squats, and Turkish get ups. I think the reason why I gravitate towards those types of movements is because I can mentally push through them with the momentum, whereas with movements like T-push-ups and/or backsquats it takes me longer to progress.

My least favorite exercise at FGF is:

Dead lifts. I really really really want to like this movement but for some reason I just can’t make myself.

My favorite thing about Farmgirlfit is:

The camaraderie. Between the trainers and the other gals the sense of community really makes Farmgirl unlike any other gym. Coming to work out (even when The Grind includes those deadlifts) I am happy and anxious!

How have you integrated the Farmgirlfit mission outside of the gym?

I love that we keep it simple and get it done! I have adopted that mindset in what I eat. Quick, easy, and (most importantly) tasty meals that allow to keep going through my days.

When you’re not pumping iron at FGF, what does the rest of your life look like?

Four days a week I hang with two awesome little gentlemen, Jackson 12, and Luke 8. They are so much rambunctious and full of life! On the weekends (weather allowing) I love going to the lake. Any lake — you name it — and I’m in! On just the average day I hang with loved ones munching on sushi and watching the occasional (OK more often then I would like to admit …) Netflix marathon.

Any advice for new members, or your fellow Farmgirls?

New members especially: push through it. We have alllllllll been there! I promise it is worth it. I know I felt absolutely ridiculous during my first few workouts, not knowing what I was doing and feel completely out of sync. Stick with it!

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